Honors Program in Rome, Manka Varghese, College of Education & Julie Villegas, Honors Program
“Youth Culture/Contemporary Youth: the making of a new Italy” Winter 2011 http://depts.washington.edu/ uwhonors/international/rome_ winter/
Schedule at a Glance (subject to change)
Monday Week 1 Welcome to Rome and Program! | Tuesday 1/4 Students arrive move in | Wednesday 1/5 UWRC orientation With Sheryl Brandalik 10am Walking tour of Campo & area w/ Stephanie Love, UWRC Intern UWRC film night | Thursday 1/6 Manka’s class -Syllabus overview & readings 10-12 | Friday 1/7 FREE day to explore & settle in apartments 4 p.m: ArciGay (Gay rights group) speakers | Saturday 1/8 FREE day to explore and settle in to your apartments | Sunday 1/9 8 a.m. Porta Portese Flea Market in Trastevere With an introduction to public transportation in Rome 8.00 Welcome dinner | |
Wk 2: 1/10 “Roman Youth: Myths from Antiquity to Present” 9-11: Manka’s class -Introduction to class and assignments 5 p.m. Aurora Santoro, -Language class introduction | 1/11 9-12: Service Learning introduction | 1/12 10-12: Language 1.30-3.30: Manka’s class – Overlap of migration, immigration and myths UWRC film night | 1/13 10-12: Language 2:30 p.m. Isabella Clough, American University “Roma Youth” | 1/14 10:00-12:30 Check-ins with Instructor -Internship & Independent Study | 1/15 Free weekend to explore and research | 1/16 | |
Wk 3: 1/17 “Immigration” 10:00-12:00 Manka’s class p.m.: Excursion to CARITAS? | 1/18 Myths of Rome: Rome religion and mythology, Margaret Brucia 9am-1:00pm p.m: Service Learning | 1/19 10-12: Language p.m.: Manka’s class Excursion to Piazza Vittorio Emanuele & market Interview Assignment #1 UWRC film night | 1/20 10-12: Language p.m.: Service Learning | 1/21 a.m. Mirela Pribac: Identity and myths around Gypsy, Roma,Romanian 12:30 Lunch Check-ins with Instructor –Service site & Independent study | 1/22 Free weekend to explore and research | 1/23 | |
Wk 4: 1/24 “Education” 10.00-12.00: Manka’s class “Roman Education: past, current, and future” Youth speak— p.m.: Immigrants G2 Generation? | 1/25 a.m.: Service Learning 4 p.m. Guest Speakers from Italian Education System/Excursion to Schools | 1/26 10-12 Language p.m.: Manka’s class: Interview Assignment #2 4 p.m.: Amara Lakhous, Clash of Civilizations UWRC Film | 1/27 10-12 Language p.m.: Service Learning | 1/28 morning check ins | Free weekend | 1/29 Free weekend to explore and research | 1/30 |
Monday Wk 5: 1/31 “North-South Identity” Manka’s class 10:00-12:30 OR School visit | Tuesday 2/1 a.m: Service Learning 1:00-3:30 Julie and Manka 6.p.m: Lecture for UWRC by Manka and Stephanie potluck | Wednesday 2/2 10-12 Language 1:00-2:00 “Naples Overview” (handout Naples schedule) Alex Valentino, Naples guest speaker UWRC film night | Thursday 2/3 Train to Naples early 9:30 a.m. train Group Lunch in Naples | Friday 2/4 Naples Group Dinner | Saturday 2/5 Manka heads back to Rome: Free weekend | Sunday 2/6 | |
Week 6: 2/7 “Family, Community, Religion” Julie’s class 10:00-12:30 “Rome Borders & EU” –introduce Rione Assignment 1.00: Palimpsest Rome: tour/talk to San Clemente (w/ lila Yawn, art historian) | 2/8 a.m. Service Learning 1:00-5 p.m. Art History Talk and Excursion Vatican City and its museums with Jeffrey Blanchard | 2/9 9 a.m. mosque visit Julie’s class “Border Spaces and Faith” Religion and Italian Identity 1.00 Excursion to Jewish Ghetto 6:30 Language class over dinner/group UWRC film night | 2/10 Language a.m. p.m.: Service Learning early evening. Check-ins with Instructor -Internship & Independent Study | 2/11 Option for three day weekend | 2/12 Free weekend | 2/13 | |
Wk 7: 2/14 “Arts” Julie’s class 10:00-12:30 p.m. Graffiti walk w/ Maria Teresa Natale to mosque and new church w/education focus | 2/15 9-1.00.: Art History Margeret Brucia, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Santa Maria Sopra Minerva p.m.: Service Learning or work on Rione assignment | 2/16 Language a.m. free day to work on Rione Projects UWRC film night | 2/17 Language a.m. p.m.: Service Learning early evening weekly check ins Work on Rione Assignment | 2/18 Option for three day weekend | 2/19 Free Weekend to explore and research Soccer game? | 2/20 | |
Wk 8: 2/21 “Contemporary Arts --Writing Workshop” 10:00-12:00 Julie’s class “Writing on the City, creating hybrid identities” p.m. Shara Wasserman Temple University: The Roman Art Scene with Excurstions to museums | 2/22 Service Learning 2-5 p.m. Art History Margeret Brucia,Tiber Island Tour | 2/23 Language class a.m. 1:00 p.m.:Mirela Pribac and Cristiano Pintaldi (artist’s studio) ---- Guest: Dean Ed Taylor UWRC film night | 2/24 Language class a.m. p.m.: Service Learning | 2/25 CARITAS visit, 11:00-1:00 p.m. Check-ins with Instructor -Internship & Independent Study Work on Rione Assignments | 2/26 Free weekend to explore and research | 2/27 | |
Wk 9: 2/28 Rione Presentation a.m. Paolo Tamburella studio, Roman artist who works w/ immigrant artists (w/Shara Wasserman Temple University) | 3/1 a.m.: Service Learning ends today p.m.: Discuss all presentation details Julie UWRC talk-6:00 p.m | 3/2 Language a.m. p.m.: Present Rione/neighborhood assignments today --onsite UWRC film night | 3/3 Language a.m. p.m.: Present Rione/neighborhood assignments today--onsite | 3/4 10-12.30: Check-ins with Instructor -Internship & Independent Study | 3/5 Free to research | 3/6 Free to research | |
Week 10: Monday 3/7 practice time for final presentations/ Office Hours | 3/8 Final Presentations and reflective overview Group dinner | 3/9 Language wrap-up | 3/10 Last day of program, final night in apartments | 3/11 Move out |
Course Structure:
Week 1: Introductions to Rome and Program
Week 2: “Roman Youth: Myths from Antiquity to Present”
Week 3: “Youth and Immigration”
Week 4: “Youth and Education”
Week 5: “Identity Politics of Northern and Southern Italy”
Week 6: “ Youth and Family, Community, and Religion”
Week 7: “Youth and Arts”
Week 8: “Contemporary Arts w/writing workshop”
Week 9: Rione Presentations
Week 10: Service Experience and Research Presentations
Course Components:
- In class instruction at the Rome Center (UWRC)
- Language Instruction at UWRC
- On-site service projects and related research (groups of 2-3)
- In-city excursions to ancient sites and contemporary centers within the center of Rome and outskirts. Also there will be a few excursions out of the city (Ostia Antica & Naples, for example).
- Optional excursions (not paid for through program fees) to Florence, Sienna, and/or Pompei, etc.
- Blogs and Writing Assignments related to class, readings, and excursions
- Vlogs
- Reflective Writing Assignments related to service experience and research process
- Interviews x 2 with related presentations
- Rione (neighborhood) Assignment with related write up and presentations
- Final Project (both written and final presentation)
January 27, 2011
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